toyota entune UI

Personal project — 2019

This was a mini project I started after getting a new car back in 2019. I notice a lot of industrial HMIs tend to look a bit dated, with design trends that could've been all the rage back in the early 2010's. So I took it upon myself to reimagine what the Toyota Entune interface could look like if it was a bit more up to date, while still keeping the look and feel of the original system.

I wanted to stick with the dark feeling of the original, with subtle gradients and drop shadows, plus the light blue accent. I also thought it would be neat to design the screen in such a way that it looked like a single divided shape, similar to a tab, with the curve on the bottom. I made the settings screen buttons follow the curve to keep in line with the shape.

I had a lot of fun with this one! As simple as it is, I liked having the opportunity to freshen up an already-existing UI, and add some pizzazz wherever I could.

Toyota Entune Home Toyota Entune Audio Toyota Entune Apps Toyota Entune Settings Toyota Entune Weather Toyota Entune Home Mockup Toyota Entune Audio Mockup Toyota Entune Settings Mockup